Forest Nursery

An Exciting Parent’s Day

Today is Parents Day at the Nursery School. The little children have been looking forward to this.
“Let’s all show your mothers and fathers how well you can play,” says the Hamster Teacher.
“OK!” say the children happily.

It’s almost time for the parents to arrive, and one after another the children climb the ladder to the little window in the lookout tower.

“Are they here yet?”
They look out the window. “Ambrose the Walnut Squirrel Baby’s Mom is here!”
“There’s Gilly the Silk Cat Baby’s Mom”
All the families start to arrive.

“I’m excited!”
says Crème the Chocolate Rabbit Baby. She is a little nervous.
“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine,” says the teacher.
Calmly she settles them down.

And now it’s time for Parents Day to begin. The Hamster Teacher plays the piano as the little children sing and perform skits.

But when they look around, Crème is nowhere to be seen.
The mothers and fathers crane their necks. The other children are about to start singing...when Crème suddenly appears by the window. She runs onto the stage and begins to sing.

She has come down the slide from the top deck of the bus and right through the window. The mothers are delighted by her entrance, and they clap their hands.
The charming voices of the little children fill the nursery school, and Parents Day is a great success.



Photographs are arranged specially to depict the characters in the stories.

Some accessories are props made specially for the photographs, and are not available for purchase.

Figures may not be able to hold the accessories as shown in the photographs.